“Technology is enabling trust between strangers.” – Rachel Botsman
Rachel Botsman writes and speaks on the power of collaboration and sharing through network technologies, and on how it will transform business, consumerism and the way we live. She is the co-author of “What’s Mine Is Yours: The Rise of Collaborative Consumption.”
She says Gen Y is growing up sharing… in a world where uses trump ownership. You don’t want the CD, you want the music that’s on it. You don’t want to own a drill that you will probably only use for a total of 13 minutes overall, you want the hole that it drills.
“Someday we’ll look back on the 20th century and wonder why we owned so much stuff,” says Time journalist Bryan Walsh in 10 Ideas that will Change the World.
I don’t want this book. I want to know what’s inside it… hahaha.